Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches 5 Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

Did you every go to a party, eat some food, LOVED it and then when you asked what was in it you totally gasped!?!? But then kept eating it anyways, cause it was that good?

It’s happened to me a few times and it happened to me with this recipe. If you are Puerto Rican there has not been one party you haven’t been that hasn’t served these up. 

Welcome to Day 5 of the Fourth Annual 12 Days of Christmas Series!

12 Days of Christmas Ideas 2018 Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

We have teamed up with 50 plus bloggers to bring you oodles of DIY Ideas and Recipes to make your holiday season merrier. There are 12 different posts in the series and we have spread them out over a four week period with three posts per week. Now is the time to subscribe!

GO HERE for the complete list of Dates and Topics plus a collection of most popular holiday ideas including ornaments, games, recipes and more from all 50 plus talented bloggers!

It’s Day 5 and we are sharing Holiday Party Food Ideas!

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

So as some of you already know, I am originally from Puerto Rico and we love to have family get-togethers with a TON of food. And it never fails that they are usually potlucks with everyone usually specializing in a specific dish every time.

While I wouldn’t say I “specialize” in this, I will say I am usually like bringing these mini sandwiches along having them during any of my get togethers.  This recipe requires no cooking and it may seem a little unconventional. Like most traditional foods, it’s a little weird, but it has worked for decades. 

So much so that these little sandwiches  are usually the first appetizers to go in any given party. No lie!

They only require 3 ingredients:

  • Sliced white bread
  • Cheez-Wiz
  • Potted Meat

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches 1 Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

I can already hear you saying “WTH?”

Yep I know….

But just hear me out. The marriage that these 3 ingredients create is something that all Puerto Ricans go nuts over. Don’t ask me how it came about (I’ve never looked it up).

And just like my Coquito recipe (ya know, the drink that knocks out Eggnog every time) it’s always a hit and it’s always at every holiday party.

Here’s how you make them.

Take equal parts of potted meat and Cheez-Wiz and mix them in a bowl.

We don’t measure, just eyeball it.

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches 2 Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

You mix it up and spread it on a white piece of bread…. very complicated, I know. It’s not the prettiest combination, but you have to trust the process. 

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches 3 Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

Then you put another piece of bread on top… here comes the tricky part (I kid)….Cut off the brown border and cut it into 4 equal triangles (cause they’re fancy). 

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches 4 Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

And voila! You have the best little sandwiches ever!

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches 5 Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

%name Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

Super easy appetizer that you can serve at any get together. No cooking involved. Just 3 ingredients and you're all set!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Servings 12


  • 1 Container of Cheese Whiz
  • 2 Cans of Potted Meat
  • 1 Package of Sliced Sandwich Bread


  • Mix the canned meat and Cheese Whiz using equal parts (we usually don't measure)
  • Once it's thoroughly combined, spread it on a piece of bread.
  • Make a sandwich with two slices and then remove the brown edges.
  • Cut into 4 triangles and repeat until mixture is completely used up.

I swear these are so good! And as you just witnessed, the easiest appetizer ever (besides cheese and crackers).

So, there you have it!

My “Is that what that is?!” party food. LOL!

Please tell me, I am not the only one who enjoys these!

Oh an don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel to see other great Christmas DIY’s!

Yami Signature Puerto Rican Mini Party Sandwiches

Scroll down for many more Holiday Party Food Ideas for your holiday season!

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